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Here is the dayboat section, the boats for day trips, with a small cockpit or not at all. Among them, the Open, Diam 24, Multi 23. Monohulls or multihulls, these are sensational boats for cruising or racing.

Dayboats and Sportboats

49 ads dayboats and sportboats

Sprinto Archambault for sale in Concarneau

8000 / Sprinto Archambault for sale in Concarneau

Laser SB3 sails for sale in Amiens

600 / Laser SB3 sails for sale in Amiens

Open 5.00 Phileas for sale in Chaudfontaine

8000 / Open 5.00 Phileas for sale in Chaudfontaine

Open 5.00 Phileas for sale in Léran

8000 / Open 5.00 Phileas for sale in Léran

Model dayboats and sportboats :

All models

Dayboats are day cruisers, often sporty, they allow great sensations, alone at the helm or with a crew.